Do you get dressed up to stay at home?

Casamento  /   /  Por Mônica Japiassú

Friday morning

For the 5th consecutive time in the week , the couple wakes up early, eats breakfast, talks about some amenities, bathes and gets dressed for work.

The man wears a neatly pressed business wear, shoes his shoe, combs his hair and spends a good smelling deodorant and perfume.

The woman stays 10 minutes looking for the open wardrobe choosing an outfit that has not yet used that week , dresses , looks in the mirror , change clothes, brushes or makes flat iron in the hair, makeup and fancies in the perfume, shoes her high heels and grabs her purse.

Both bother to put clean underwear and socks, after all, “If I get sick on the road and need to take my shoes or my clothes, the people could not see that I use Bored half”.

The couple says goodbye with a fast kiss (not to get the woman lipstick ) and each one goes to each work.

The man starts the day very satisfied into the office saying good morning to everyone and listening then answer “Wow, how you are smelling well! Good morning!”.

Before leaving for lunch , the woman goes into the bathroom to freshen up and combing. And feels the self inflating more and more every look or sung she receives on the way to the restaurant.

When the time comes to go away, both celebrate the start of the weekend, when they could spend more time together and enjoy.

Friday evening

The first thing both do when they get home, sweet home, is to take those tight shoes, throw them in a corner , undress the beautiful work clothes, put them in the laundry basket and, after taking a relaxing bath… take those clothes to stay home all large, full of holes, after all “now that I’m in my house, I can dress the most comfortable way possible”. Maybe, neither deodorant they spend , the more that expensive perfume exclusively for work. To complete the feeling of comfort, the woman makes a ponytail or a bun secured with a pen that got dropped by the house .

Now let’s think : does it make sense we fix us with such care and dedication to people who do not know right, while we leave all this care beside us when “we fix” to stand next to the person we love?

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